Ten Tips to Avoid Unemployment Insurance Fraud

Protect yourself from unemployment insurance fraud and make sure your benefits arrive on time by following these tips.

  1. File your own initial claim and weekly certifications. Never let anyone else submit your application or weekly certifications on your behalf and never share your password.
  2. Report all former employers. When you apply, report every former employer and why you left, regardless of how long you were employed.
  3. Report all gross wages. Report all wages before tax and deductions each week. Include cash, check, barter and part-time or temporary work including work you do for family and friends.
  4. Register for work at idahoworks.gov. Search for jobs, create resumes and receive job alerts by email—all free.
  5. Actively look for work. Make at least two work-search contacts per week or benefits may be denied.
  6. Be able, available and willing to work. Avoid penalties and charges. Report if you are not able, available or willing to accept work for the entire week claimed.
  7. Keep your address current. Keep your address current and read your mail. You’ll receive several letters outlining what you need to do. If you ignore these letters you could lose your benefits.
  8. Going back to work full time? Stop filing for benefits! If you continue to collect benefits after you’ve gone back to work full time, even if only until your first paycheck arrives, you will be required to repay benefits, plus penalties and interest, and you could face criminal charges.
  9. Be honest. Ignoring the rules or providing false information leads to serious monetary penalties, loss of benefits for one year and possibly jail time.
  10. Know your responsibilities and ask for help. Contact the Idaho Department of Labor at (208) 332-8942.