Federal CARES Act Unemployment Insurance Programs End Dec. 26


For Immediate Release: Dec. 9, 2020
Media Contacts: Georgia Smith, Georgia.Smith@labor.idaho.gov or Darlene Carnopis, Darlene.Carnopis@labor.idaho.gov

The Idaho Department of Labor reminds claimants that federal CARES Act unemployment insurance programs expire Dec. 26.

Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA), unemployment for self-employed, low wage earners and workers with denied issues, and Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC), an extension that adds weeks to exhausted unemployment benefits, are the two programs set to expire.

Unless Congress expands the federal programs, an estimated 16,000 to 17,000 claims will no longer qualify for CARES Act benefits after Dec. 26.

Under federal guidelines, the week ending Dec. 26 is the final claim week for the PUA and PEUC programs, however eligible claimants who are waiting on back pay will receive those payments for which they are eligible after that date.

The CARES Act programs are controlled by Congress not the Idaho Department of Labor. If Congress extends the unemployment benefit programs or authorizes new unemployment programs, Labor will update the website and the FAQs.

Labor workforce consultants are available to help job seekers with their work search. Job seekers can schedule an in-person or phone appointment with a consultant in their area.

Job listings are available at IdahoWorks.gov. Support – food, shelter, medical, dental and mental health care, child care and more is available on our resources page.

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