Monthly Archives: January 2012

Practical Advice for Older Workers

by Sharon O’Toole, Workforce Consultant, Canyon County Local Office

A recent survey conducted by our Canyon County local office showed 50 percent of the respondents believe their age is a primary reason they can’t find a job.  To address this issue, we piloted a workshop for people who feel  their age may be affecting their ability to find that next job. Some of the people in these classes have been working for the same company, sometimes in the same position, for a number of years and have not looked for work recently. Now the whole process of applying for a position and presenting what they have to offer to an employer seems a bit daunting.

Serveral good ideas have emerged from the discussion in these workshops:

You have an advantage. Remember, older employees bring something to a position that younger workers cannot – the wisdom and judgment that comes with maturity and experience.

Be positive. Don’t let your age undermine your confidence before you even start looking!

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FAQ Friday – What about working for a temp agency?

Q: I’m looking for work and recently interviewed with a temp agency.  I haven’t heard back yet, but my concern is if I take a temp job and it doesn’t lead to a permanent position, will I lose my unemployment benefits?

Answer: It depends. If you interview, are offered and accept a temporary position, work at it and are laid off due to lack of work, you still qualify for unemployment insurance benefits and can reopen your existing claim. If you interview and are A.) offered a job and refuse; or B.) accept, work at it, get fired or quit, an eligibility review is necessary to determine whether you still qualify to receive benefits.