Learn about Idaho’s unemployment insurance Navigators, May 14


For Immediate Release: May 8, 2024
Media ContactCraig.Shaul@labor.idaho.gov or Lisa.Grigg@labor.idaho.gov

Idaho’s job market has remained remarkably robust since September 2023, maintaining a steady unemployment rate of 3.3%. Excluding the immediate post-pandemic period of 2020-2021, Idaho has not had an annual unemployment rate of over 4% since 2014, according to Labor Economist Lisa Grigg.

“Despite an incredibly low unemployment rate statewide, businesses still close, change processes, or must halt work due to seasonal factors, leading workers to rely on unemployment benefits as a temporary bridge between jobs,” Grigg said.

Grigg is hosting a panel of unemployment insurance specialists (UI) during a free webinar Tuesday, May 14, from 11 a.m. to noon MDT to explore how the Idaho Department of Labor’s UI Navigators help people file claims for benefits.

Register for Tuesday’s webinar here.

The UI team will answer questions about the role of the Navigators and how they show Idahoans how to file their claims accurately and timely, so they receive their benefit payments on time.

“Losing a job isn’t easy, but after speaking to a Navigator, claimants leave our offices feeling better about their unemployment insurance claim,” Andrea Huxoll, UI Navigator, said.

UI Navigators are located at the agency’s brick-and-mortar offices in Post Falls, Lewiston, Caldwell, Boise, Twin Falls, Burley, Pocatello and Idaho Falls. Navigators are also available at many of the department’s mobile locations.

Search our office directory to find a Navigator near you.


This webinar is 100% funded by the U.S. Department of Labor as part of an Employment and Training Administration grant totaling $1,053,856.