Governor Appoints Hibbert to Serve Idaho Commission


For Immediate Release: Oct. 5, 2018
Information Contact:Renee Bade, (208) 332-3578 ext. 4061

Gov. C.L. “Butch” Otter appointed Farhana Hibbert, regional director for Senator Mike Crapo, to Serve Idaho, the Governor’s Commission on Service and Volunteerism.

“Ms. Hibbert brings a wealth of knowledge about the Pocatello community and great enthusiasm for the role of volunteers,” said Renee Bade, program manager for Serve Idaho.

In her positions as regional director, Hibbert coordinates and manages official Senate office activities in a seven-county region. She previously owned IDAHO Unido, Idaho’s bilingual English/Spanish newspaper. Hibbert is actively engaged in the community volunteering with the Pocatello/Chubbuck Chamber of Commerce, the Southeast Idaho Veterans Advisory Council, the Southeast Idaho Republican Women, as well as a host of other organizations.

“I am excited to serve as I know problems can be solved, burdens can be lifted, individual lives can be improved and greater understanding can be achieved through service and volunteerism,” said Hibbert of her appointment.

To learn more about Serve Idaho and volunteering, visit the Serve Idaho Facebook page or


Serve Idaho, a division of the Idaho Department of Labor, encourages voluntary public service and volunteerism throughout the state. The Serve Idaho Commission is funded in part by the Corporation for National and Community Service and the Idaho Department of Labor.

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