FAQs – Idaho to End Federal CARES Act Unemployment in June 2021

Question: Is Idaho discontinuing federal CARES Act unemployment insurance programs?

Answer: Yes, Idaho will end its participation in federal pandemic unemployment compensation programs week ending June 19, 2021.

Q: What programs are ending?

A: The following programs will end June 19, 2021.

Q: Should I continue to submit my weekly certifications in case the decision to discontinue PUA gets overturned?

A: No. It is not necessary to continue submitting weekly certifications.

Q: How do I know if I am receiving unemployment insurance funded by the federal CARES Act?

A: PEUC, or extended benefits program, adds weeks to exhausted unemployment benefits. If you applied for extended benefits on the Claimant Portal, you’ll see confirmation that your extended benefits application was approved on the Claimant Portal home page under Extended Benefits.

PUA is for self-employed, low wage earners or workers with denied issues who were unemployed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Individuals who are primarily self-employed uploaded tax information to the Claimant Portal to determine monetary eligibility.

Q: Is there another unemployment insurance program available for those who do not qualify for regular unemployment or have exhausted benefits?

A: Not at this time.

Q: What if I applied for pandemic unemployment insurance but I am waiting to be approved?

A: If you are still waiting on a decision regarding your unemployment eligibility and your claim is not approved until after June 19, 2021, you will receive all the week(s) of benefits for which you are qualified on CARES Act unemployment assistance programs. Continue to submit weekly reports, participate in the adjudication processes, and attend appeal hearings if applicable.

Q: When will the last week of pandemic unemployment benefits pay out?

A: Benefits expire on Saturday, June 19, 2021. You may submit your weekly report on Sunday, June 20, 2021, for the week of June 13, 2021, through June 19, 2021. If you submit your weekly report on Sunday and do not have issues preventing payment, payment will be available Wednesday, June 23, 2021. You have until Saturday, June 26, 2021, at midnight to report this week. This is the last payable week of benefits under these programs.

Q: Should I contact the department to ask if other extended benefits are available?

A: No. If unemployment benefit programs become available, we will update our website.

Q: Can you help me find work?

A: Yes. Job listings are available at IdahoWorks.gov. We are here to assist with your work search. Schedule an in-person or phone appointment with a workforce consultant by completing this form.

We can assist with:

  • Résumés that highlight your skills and work experience;
  • Training resources to help upgrade your skills;
  • Job interview tips including how to present yourself as a strong, confident candidate;
  • Answering difficult questions about your work history;
  • Overcoming barriers you think may be preventing you from getting hired; and
  • Using social media to network.

All of these services and more – such as virtual job fairs and online workshops – are available to the public at no cost.

Q: Where can I go for other assistance during this time of uncertainty?

A: Our resource page lists agencies offering help with food, shelter, medical, dental and mental health care, child care and more.

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